Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Grand X-Periment 29


77) Trust No 1- Season 9, Episode 6- This is one of the more clever ways to build an episode around your former main character who is no longer there. Scully gets drawn into a squabbling couple's lives only to find that they are part of an NSA project to spy on Scully's every move. Terry Quinn (AKA John Locke) continues the run of Lost guest stars that started with Mr. Friendly and ends with Charles Widmore next episode. Keep in mind, Quinn was in the X-Files movie. Rather than trying to explain that Michaud (the dude who blows up at the beginning of the movie) was a super soldier, Scully just acts like she has never seen him before. Were there just no other actors you could trust? For a show that likes to bring back characters 6 seasons apart, just assume we will remember a character from the movie, ok?

Anyway, Locke wants to draw out Mulder and dangles the bait of a list of Super Soldier names. Scully falls for it, arranging to meet Mulder on a train at midnight. A shoot out leads to the train not stopping, reports of a man jumping out and a nice scene where Doggett calls out "Mulder!" to a distant figure who stops and looks before running some more. The end result is that the Super Soldiers can be killed by some kind of lead that was present in the quarry. So, now there is a way to fight these convoluted menaces....yay.

The other big piece of news is that Locke taunts Scully with his knowledge of her sex life vis a vis Mulder. He confirms that the two of them did get it on so, just in case everyone was still wondering who the father of William is...this is just further spelling it out.

78 & 79) Provenance & Providence- Season 9, Episodes 9 & 10- Adding to the needlessly complex mythology is this little stinky chunk of crap storyline. So, we can all tell William the specialist little boy on earth. He can move his mobile with his mind. He also can commune with alien spaceships.

An undercover FBI agent is blown up sneaking into the US. He survives and tries to kill William. Scully shoots the shit out of him. Before long, he lays out an absurd prophecy in that there is a UFO cult who believes that William can either lead or repel and alien invasion. If Mulder is killed, he will lead the invasion but if Mulder lives, William will be against it. So, the FBI guy was trying to kill William because there is a rumor going around that Mulder is already dead. However, when the cult gets their hands on William, the cult leader demands proof that Mulder is dead. It is all confusing and stupid.

At first, the fate of the world rested with Mulder, now it rests with his offspring. Of course, the cult ends up killed by aliens as a kind of "we don't need your help on this one."

Gillian Anderson plays pissed off momma well. Doggett and Reyes get some nice moments. Cary Elwes slimes his way back and Kersh gets more tolerable (while Skinner descends further into uselessness). The religious component of the show keeps creeping back in. At first, we were told that lots of the writing we know as the Quran and the Bible are found on alien spaceships that are millions of years old, implying that they somehow originated religion and that there is no God. Krycek implies that the aliens want William dead because he represents a real miracle and, therefore, proof of a higher power than themselves. During this two parter, several of the heroes turn to Jesus for help and seem to get it.

I only remember a few things about the finale but something tells me that, if X-Files had gone on a few more years, we would have been watching a very touchy feely, Lost style of ending to this show. Oh well, tomorrow I finish all this noise and watch that damned documentary that should explain all these episodes.

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