Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lost final season theories

Ok, so I have been reading interviews with Cuse and Lindeloff about the final season. They promise a new gimmick this year instead of flashbacks/forwards/time travel. Of course, the cliffhanger for Season 5 was "Did time reset with the detonation of the Hydrogen bomb?" Here is some conjecture based on absolutely no proof...

I figure the gimmick for this year will be two timelines switching back and forth. In one of them, Oceanic 815 lands safe and sound in LA. In the other, we follow the adventures of the fake Locke, Desmond, Widmore, Sun, Frank, Ben and Richard in the "normal" timeline. The way this is all set up, Sun is the real x-factor in the whole thing. She is the only surviving member of 815 to not be stuck in 1977 at the end of Season 5. The show has already announced that they are bringing back the whole cast (most of the dead ones at least) so I am thinking we will follow them mostly in the "reset" timeline. As Eloise Hawking points out, the universe has a way of correcting itself. The "reset" timeline shouldn't exist so I imagine we will slowly get those who died to die again and, eventually (somehow) everyone will end up back together on the island for the final few episodes. Now, the only way to make the reset work without wiping away 5 seasons of character development is to have all the 815ers remember everything that happened. Perhaps Sun will not be involved with the reset and vanish from the plane? Maybe Jin's quest to get back to her and the survivors trying to stop the deaths of their friends will drive the return to the island.

The writers also said they will explore the Jack/Locke conflict to its end this season. This would almost have to imply that the roles get reversed. If the reset works, and Jack remembers the entire history, he will be trying to convince a still-crippled and cynical John that they have to go somewhere John doesn't remember going to. Won't that be fun?

Like Season 5, there are enough characters left on the island (the Jacobians, the Others, Cindy) that we can also watch a "things are how we left them" branch of stories with Esau (or Samuel, whatever his name is) in Locke's body and the secrets of the island being explained. I have no idea how the reset timeline would merge back in with "our" timeline by the end but the storytelling possibilities are pretty cool.

There is one big old problem with the reset, however...Walt. He is a giant now. They wrote him off the show rather than switch actors back in Season 2. So how will they handle him if the timeline resets?

I am super excited to see this final season and I encourage you all to share your theories below...


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